Future of Marchtrenk

In the history part of this paper I wrote about the oldest settlements in this region. Since 5000 b. C. people are living here. It developed itself more and more to an important economic centre between Wels and Linz. The building of the Roman Street was the beginning of this journey. In the history we can see the raising importance as an interface between the bigger cities Wels and Linz. Even the horse-drawn railroad went through Marchtrenk and left a big economic development behind.
Along the Mühlbach there where 12 mills, even a pepper mill, so the river Traun is also a very important resource. Nowerdays there are lots of hydro plants and they’re going to be more.

From the population point of view there going to be more and more people. The good social and public infrastructure, lots of jobs and affordable homes are a magnet to people. It´s going to be a very quick increase of population.
The traffic system is good developed. The federal highway (B1) passes Marchtrenk from Wels to Linz, and over the motor highway A21 and A2 you can reach even Germany in a short time. There is also the ÖBB Terminal, where containers get loaded on trucks or trains. You can take a look on the map, i posted in the introduction part

I also want to talk about the future of the project SMARchTrenk and the local Development Strategy 2014-2020. With this facts I´m going to take a look on the future of this town.
As I mentioned earlier the SMARchTrenk project focuses on developing an independent, economic and ecological sustainable city district. The goals are:

  • Implementing more ways and alternatives in producing energy for heating and electricity
  • Calming traffic, building more pathways and cycle ways
  • Expansion public transport system
  • Dealing with the strong population increase
  • Slow down urban sprawl

In 2025 all this goals should be achieved. Over the time there going to be more achievements, because this project will change and grow over time and some new ideas are going to be important.
The city district “Sternmühle”, where the project is happening, will be successfully developed as an independent district. It will work mostly on renewable energy. It is also going to be a liveable neighbourhood also for families. Because there will be plenty of space for children to play and connect outside. Motorised traffic will be changing to e-cars and e-bikes, also the path- and cycle ways will connect the district with the other parts of the town, so they only have to use the car when it´s necessary.

I also mentioned that this project is a pioneer project. Other parts of Marchtrenk and also other cities and region will use this project as a model for their own sustainable smart city development. Till 2025 some other cities will already be smart cities, some will be at the beginning of a sustainable development.

The Industry is and will be a big part of the economy. So the sustainable implementation in the environment is important. Till 2025 lots of companies will have settled down along the federal highway B1, and the industrial districts of Wels and Marchtrenk will be growing together and connecting those two cities. When they use the sustainable approaches in the developing of those industrial districts, it´s still going to be a city worth living in.
The possibilities in education will be good, both in school and apprenticeship. This is a big reason for families to live here. Also there going to be lots of jobs and affordable houses and flats. And with the new bicycle ways the inhabitants can reach the centre of Marchtrenk or their companies without using their cars.

For more detailed questions click here and here (page in German)

In 2025 the region around Marchtrenk will be grown together with Wels. Towards Linz there will be the same development, but it is a longer distance, so it´s going to take a while longer. This development of growth will be located along the B1 with lots of industry and companies. In other parts of this region many single family homes and big buildings with lots of flats will emerge.
The important part is, that this companies should not be polluting the environment. In all the papers i´ve read, they try to manifest the sustainable thinking. Otherwise this whole region is going to be polluted and nobody what´s to live here.
The education system is another important part. Because of the huge offers in education, (school or apprenticeship) young people will stay here (no brain drain) and don´t have to leave for their education, like in other parts of the region. Afterwards they have lots of possibilities on the job marked.